About us

Shido is a decentralized interoperable Ecosystem building next-gen DeFi Applications.

Layer 1 Proof-of-Stake Blockchain

Shido Network is a leading Layer 1 Proof-of-Stake Blockchain with superior speed and infinite scalability. Shido Network is seamlessly interoperable between Cosmos, EVM and WASM enabling developers to choose environment.

Shido DeFi Card

Shido DeFi Card is a next-gen Crypto Debit Card available to use directly in Shido App. Shido Card is available to issue in +173 countries worldwide. Access your liquidity and start spending your crypto worldwide with your DeFi Wallet as funding source.

Shido Network

Shido Network’s architecture ensure endless scalability and a free value sharing between Shido and the most prominent Ecosystems in the industry. All powered by the lightning fast Tendermint Consensus Engine.

Shido DEX Platform

Shido DEX Platform is a decentralized DeFi Aggregator, Cross-Chain Swap, Liquidity Protocol and Perpetual Dex.

Shido App

Shido App is a non-custodial decentralized multi-chain Crypto App. Users can seamlessly Buy, Store, Send and Swap Cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

About us

We are the legend of Shi-do (士 度), Samurai every time.

The Samurai way is the way of Shido. It is at the very core of how we think, feel, and live our lives. It is upon this code of conduct we build Shido Ecosystem to perfection. Shido is one with the community, the community is one with Shido. The legend of Shido will always prevail.

“The essence of Samurai is: do not lie, do not be insincere, do not be obsequious, do not be superficial, do not be greedy, do not be rude, do not be boastful, do not be arrogant, do not slander, do not be unfaithful, be on good terms with comrades, do not be overly concerned with events, show concern for one another, be compassionate, with a strong sense of duty. Being a good samurai takes more than merely a willingness to lay down one’s life.”

— 5th scroll of the Kashoki by Saitō Chikamori (1642)

The Team

Meet the Team

Bjorn Bonnevier

CEO & Founder

Adem Yazid

Head of Development

Cyborg M

Head of growth

Ardit S


Tom Young


Vasil Stoyanov

Project Manager

Vladimir Ic


Hasu Digital

Lead Advisor

Covey Network



Community MANAGER

Jatinder Singh


Vashi Yazin

System Architect

Marco Saini

development lead

+15 Team Members


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