Shido Institutions

Shido Institutional

Shido Institutional Program offers solutions for global Institutions and Liquidity Providers.

Institutions are able to build enterprise-grade applications with focus on DeFi and Tokenization.

Liquidity Providers can earn unmatched rewards in the program.

Optimized For Institutions

Shido Network infrastructure is built for Institutions and large-scale applications. Transparent open source modules and instant transactions settlement.

Fastest TTF & Lowest Fees

With a Time-to-Finality of only 0.95 Seconds, Shido Network is one of the fastest systems in the world. Paired with the lowest fees and option for zero fees.

Unmatched Compatibility

Multi-asset support and unmatched compatibility with IBC Protocol, EVM and CosmWasm. Shido Network opens the doors for Institutions to explore their full potential.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Shido Network offers Institutional Security with the highest standards trusted by leading global organizations.

Shido Institutions

What can Shido offer Institutions?

•  Unmatched customized support to build large-scale Enterprise Applications


•  Access to first-grade digital asset technology and leading Partners

•  Global financial partners, trading firms and market making

•  Shido Institutional offers the highest rewards and tailor made incentive program

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